ViemTevmExtension: () => ViemTevmClientDecorator
import { tevmViemExtensionOptimistic } from 'tevmViemExtensionOptimistic'import { walletClient } from './walletClient.js' const client = walletClient.extend(tevmViemExtensionOptimistic()) for (const result of client.tevm.writeContractOptimistic({ from: '0x...', to: '0x...', abi: [...], functionName: 'transferFrom', args: ['0x...', '0x...', '1000000000000000000'],})) { if (result.tag === 'OPTIMISTIC_RESULT') { expect(result).toEqual({ data: mockRequestResponse as any, success: true, tag: 'OPTIMISTIC_RESULT', }) expect((client.request as jest.Mock).mock.lastCall[0]).toEqual({ method: 'tevm_contract',params: params, jsonrpc: '2.0', }) expect((client.writeContract as jest.Mock).mock.lastCall[0]).toEqual({ abi: params.abi, functionName: params.functionName, args: params.args, caller: params.caller, address: params.address, account: params.account, chain: params.chain, }) } else if (result.tag === 'HASH') { expect(result).toEqual({ data: mockWriteContractResponse, success: true, tag: 'HASH', }) } else if (result.tag === 'RECEIPT') { expect(result).toEqual({ data: mockTxReciept, success: true, tag: 'RECEIPT', }) expect(mockWaitForTransactionReceipt.mock.lastCall[0]).toEqual(client) expect(mockWaitForTransactionReceipt.mock.lastCall[1]).toEqual({ hash: mockWriteContractResponse, }) }} :::caution[Deprecated]in favor of the viem transport This extension is highly experimental and should not be used in production. Creates a decorator to a viem wallet client that adds the `writeContractOptimistic` method to the `tevm` property.This enables viem to optimistically update the tevm state before the transaction is mined.::: :::caution[Experimental]This API should not be used in production and may be trimmed from a public release.::: ## Returns [`ViemTevmClientDecorator`](/reference/tevm/viem/type-aliases/viemtevmclientdecorator/) ## Source extensions/viem/src/ViemTevmExtension.ts:63